Anal Abscess

An anal abscess, also known as an anorectal abscess, is a collection of pus that occurs near the anus. It most commonly occurs as a perianal abscess, meaning it is visible on the surface of the skin as a swollen boil. Anal abscesses may also occur deeper in the tissue around the anus, causing them to be less visible. Regardless of their location, anal abscesses are painful and may lead to more complicated conditions if they are not properly treated.

Anal abscess causes

Knowing the causes of anal abscesses can help you prevent them before they begin. If you are aware of any of the below conditions, please contact the Colorectal Center. We can help get you treated before it turns into something worse.

Causes of anal abscesses include:

  • Infection of an anal fissure. An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus.
  • STDs
  • Clogged anal glands

In order to prevent anal abscesses, we recommend that all adults use condoms during sexual intercourse, especially anal intercourse. This prevents infections spreading that could potentially lead to an anal abscess. For parents, please change your infant's diaper regularly and use proper cleaning to help prevent infection.

Anal abscess symptoms

The symptoms of an anal abscess can be debilitating and unpleasant. To help patients determine if they may have an anal abscess, we’ve included the symptoms below. If you are experiencing any of these, please call the Colorectal Center Los Angeles and set an appointment. We can help determine the exact cause, followed by a recommendation of treatment to treat the root of the problem.

Surface anal abscess symptoms include:

  • Throbbing pain, which is worse when sitting
  • Irritation of the skin around the anus, including redness and swelling
  • Emission of pus
  • Constipation, or pain that occurs during bowel movements

A Deeper, less visible anal abscess may cause:

  • Chills
  • Fever
  • General discomfort or ill feeling

Anal abscess treatment

In the treatment of anal abscesses, the first step is a thorough diagnosis. Dr. Beth Moore and Dr. Zuri Murrell will take you through the examination steps with care, always ensuring your comfort while getting all the information they need to recommend the correct treatment. Once the nature of the anal abscess has been determined, there are a number of treatment options to bring patients complete relief from anal abscesses.

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